Discover Paths to Spiritual Growth, Creativity, and Inner Abundance: Buddhism, Tantra, and Beyond
Relationship Rut? Ignite Your Love Life with These 5 Tips
Rumi makes a great point about relationships when he says that lovers are within each other all along. It’s true: a lover experiences the highest peak when he or she becomes love itself. When people ask me what divinity feels like, I tell them to fall in love. An incredible relationship has the power to shift your consciousness like nothing else can.
3 Ways to Forgive, Even When It’s Hard
To err is human. To ask for forgiveness is human too. I often ask for forgiveness for my actions, those that were intentional and unintentional. Life is too short to pretend that we are all faultless individuals. At some point, you have to forgive. At some point, somebody will forgive you too.