Beyond the Mind masterclass

A spiritual masterclass to nurture the inner muse with Chandresh Bhardwaj, author and spiritual advisor, for seekers and artists.

Are you ready to address the barrier between you and your inner muse?

Join us Sunday, April 14, at 11:30 a.m. EST for a free, one-of-a-kind masterclass designed exclusively for writers, artists, and creatives who are seeking to honor the inner muse and long to find self-expression for lifetimes.

What We’ll Cover 

  • A deep-dive talk addressing the barrier between you and your inner muse.

  • Guided meditation

  • Live Creative and Spiritual Exercise

  • Q&A

Imagine a playground, 
spiritual and creative, 
safe and empowering, 
where your inner muse feels 
seen, heard, celebrated, and worshipped.

This playground is free from the 
concepts, ideas, and beliefs that 
limit you to embrace your 
spiritual, creative, and sensual era.

This playground is where you will dismantle the old layers of yourself, transcend the fear-driven life, and sit with your shadow, which has kept you hidden and suppressed in your self-expression.


Breathe deeply.

Beloved seeker and artist of life, I have been nurturing this playground for you.

It’s NOT the Mastermind.
It's a space beyond the mind.

where we listen to the wild feminine, 
let the muse express.

This is the space where you 
meditate and create.

Inspired by your curiosity and the questions you've shared about my group coaching container, I'm thrilled to offer a complimentary class early next month. 

Together, we'll celebrate and nurture the inner muse.

Are you ready to answer the call?

You will learn powerful tools for dismantling the old layers of yourself, transcending the fear-driven life, and sitting with your shadow, which has kept you hidden and suppressed in your self-expression. 

Spots are limited, and your muse is waiting. Sign up now and transform your art, your spirit, and your life.

Meet the Speaker

Hey, I am Chandresh. Signing up for this class means working with me as your spiritual teacher, meditating, and creating together.

When you sign-up, you are honoring the inner muse longing to find self-expression through you for lifetimes.

A little bit about me:

For more than a decade, I have been a spiritual teacher for writers, artists, storytellers, and spiritual seekers. I have published a book, Break the Norms, and am working on my next book. In addition, I enjoy sharing deep-dive musings on Eastern wisdom on my podcast, The Leela Show.

I am not for those who like the idea of seeking truth but become addicted to comfort and unwilling to break old patterns. I am not for those looking for a textbook translation of Eastern wisdom. 

I am for those willing to sit with their shadows, dance with the wild feminine, and live in freedom. I am here to honor your self-expression and the muse you are.

I am not for those who like the idea of seeking truth but become addicted to comfort and unwilling to break old patterns. I am not for those looking for a textbook translation of Eastern wisdom. 

I am for those willing to sit with their shadows, dance with the wild feminine, and live in freedom. I am here to honor your self-expression and the muse you are.

See you in the playground!